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21. genitals - 性器(せいき)external sex organs

22. hormone therapy (HRT) - ホルモン補充療法use of the female hormones estrogen and progestin (a synthetic form of progesterone) to replace those hormones the body no longer produces after menopause.

23. hormones - ホルモンchemical substances created by the body that control numerous body functions.

24. hyperplasia -過形成 (かけいせい) 過剰な細胞分裂によって起こる組織の肥大。 an abnormal increase in the number of cells in a tissue or an organ (i.e., cervix or the lining of the uterus).

25. hysterectomy - 子宮摘出(術)(しきゅうてき‐しゅつ)surgery to remove the uterus.

26. hysterosalpingography -子宮卵管造影 (しきゅうらんかんぞうえい) x-ray examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes that uses dye and is often performed to rule out tubal obstruction.

26. hysteroscopy - 子宮鏡検査 visual examination of the canal of the cervix and the interior of the uterus using a viewing instrument (hysteroscope) inserted through the vagina.

27. infertility -不妊 (ふにん) not being able to produce children.

28. labia - 小陰唇(しょういんしん) the folds of skin at the opening of the vagina (and other organs).

29. menarche -初経 (しょ‐けい) a young woman's first menstrual period.

30. menopause -更年期 end of menstruation; commonly used to refer to the period ending the female reproductive phase of life.

31. menorrhagia - 月経過多(症)(げっけいかた) the most common type of abnormal uterine bleeding (also called dysfunctional uterine bleeding) characterized by heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding. In some cases, bleeding may be so severe and relentless that daily activities become interrupted.

32. menses - 月経 (げっ‐けい) menstrual flow.

33. menstruation - 月経 a cyclical process of the endometrium shedding its lining, along with discharge from the cervix and vagina, from the vaginal opening. This process results from the mature egg cell (ovum) not being fertilized by a sperm cell as it travels from one of the ovaries down a fallopian tube to the uterus, in the process called ovulation.

34. metrorrhagia - 子宮出血 any irregular, acyclical nonmenstrual bleeding from the uterus; bleeding between menstrual periods.

35. obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) -婦人科医 physicians who specialize in general women's medical care, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the female reproductive system, and care of pregnant women.

36. oligomenorrhea - 希発月経, 過少月経 infrequent or light menstrual cycles.

37. oophorectomy - 卵巣摘出(術) surgery to remove one or both ovaries.

38. ovaries -卵巣 two female reproductive organs located in the pelvis.

39. ovulation - 排卵 release of a mature egg from an ovary.

40. ovum - 卵子(らんし)a mature egg cell released during ovulation from an ovary.



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