Pronunciation Practice
Practice English pronunciation will improve the way you speak English.

Pre-intermediate 中級A listen to audio and practice pronunciation
1. Room service 12. At a doctor
2. At Passport Control 13. Shopping (Do you have that in other color ?)
3. Flight reservation 14. Booking a hotel room
4. Railway travel 15. Restaurant (ordering food)
5. Rent-A-Car 16. Cavity 虫歯
6. Shopping (May I see that laptop ?) 17. Rip- off  ぼったくり
7..Taking a picture 18. I couldn't help it.
8. I couldn't help it. 仕方がない 19. Can you keep an eye on my bag ?
9. Athlete's foot 水虫 20.フライトの再確認
10.  International transfer 電信為替 21.朝食を頼むとき
11. Foreign exchange 外国為替 22.外線を頼むとき


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