About Menu's and Navigation

Your website will come with pre-designed, pre-installed menu and navigation elements such as a Vertical Navigation bar.

Your menu bar with be for use with FrontPage, or it will be a CSS text based menu for Dreamweaver.

We have packaged the FrontPage website with the default FrontPage navigation, and of course, the Dreamweaver websites with the CSS text based menu.

Here are a list of the common questions that we receive. I've covered most of these questions in a more detailed video tutorial, but I'll answer what I can in short form below.

Menu and Navigation FAQ's

Common Troubleshooting Topics



Common Troubleshooting Topics

My two bits. The most common issues we deal with, are hosting issues. If your website looks good on your computer, it should look exactly the same when you publish it. If it doesn't it's a connection of hosting issue. There's no magic answer, as what you see is what you get, or you should get.

We've dealt with hundreds of hosting companies, some are excellent, some I would be happy to print my thoughts about, but won't. What is fairly common with hosting companies is the various levels of support. The first person you speak with, might not have all the answers. Especially in dealing with FrontPage server extension issues. You may need to press a bit, and ask that any hosting related issues that are not being resolved be 'escalated' to the 'next' tier or level of customer support.

  • FrontPage: I see my menu buttons on my local website, but when I publish the website, all I see is text
    • All the files in your website did not publish correctly. This mostly happens when publishing with FrontPage 2000 or FTP
      • You will need to Re-publish the website
      • You may need to 'wipe' the website clean, and start again, as some files may not be 'updating' or 'over writing' old files
      • You may need to log into your LIVE site via FrontPage and:
        • click on the Tools menu
        • click on Re-calculate hyperlinks

    Here are my words of Advice, or Warning

    In MANY CASES if you are hosting with a budget web host, you will receive budget service and support. If you're paying anywhere from $2-$5 / month (or less) for hosting, there is a pretty good chance that your web host has 'filled' the server that your website is on, with, oh lets say, a few hundred other websites. If you are not able to completely publish your website, try publishing when 'traffic' would be slower (late a night). If you're on a crowded server, there is a more likely chance that your files cold be interrupted when publishing.

  • FrontPage: I see my menu buttons on my local website, but when I publish the website, all I see is a missing image with a red 'X'
    • As with the text issue noted above, your files did not publish correctly.

      • You will need to Re-publish the website
      • You may need to 'wipe' the website clean, and start again, as some files may not be 'updating' or 'over writing' old files
      • You may need to log into your LIVE site via FrontPage and:
        • click on the Tools menu
        • click on Re-calculate hyperlinks

  • FrontPage: I don't see any menu buttons on my page?
    • Do you see anything resembling:
      • [Add this page to your Navigation view to display hyperlinks here]
    • If so, change to the Navigation view (click on the 'View' menu at the top of FrontPage, and select 'Navigation'
    • Drag the page from the folder list on the left, and add it to the 'navigation' tree

  • FrontPage: I want the text in my menu button to align differently than the default settings
    • You can edit the theme from the buttons, however there are some 'drawbacks' to changing the alignment
      1. alignment can be set to left, right or center
      2. there is no 'buffer' when set to left or right, the text will be jammed up against the edge of the button
    • If Alignment is an issue, then switch from the FrontPage default menu bar, to the CSS Text based menu bar where you can control the alignment and padding of the text on your buttons
    • You can switch 'menu's buy changing the menu bar on the 'includes/a7A-vertical-menu-frontpage.htm' page. Just open the a7B-vertical-menu-CSS.htm page, copy the menu and paste into the a7A-vertical-menu-frontpage.htm page